diagnostica e tecnologie per i beni culturali
Via V. Comparini, 101 - 00188 Roma Italy - tel/ fax: +39 06 33626466 mobile: 328 1925391 - P.I. 07066721007
Ars Mensurae was founded in 2001 and has worked since then in the field of diagnostic analyses applied to
Cultural Heritage.
Thanks to a team of professionals specialized in the field of diagnostics, restoration, computer science, technology,
physics and chemistry, joint together in a effort to integrate different cultures, innovative instruments and
procedures are now available and successfully applied in the world of Cultural Heritage.
The main activities of the Ars Mensurae, always careful to the real needs of all the different kinds of operators in
Cultural Heritage, consists in the discovery and production of cutting-edge scientific results, for the study of works
of art under the dual aspect of archaeometric (characterization of the constituent materials and operational
techniques) and diagnostic (actual conditions and degradation processes).
The measurements are fulfilled with portable non invasive probes.
The experience gained by Ars Mensurae allows to perform diagnostic campaigns in a fast and profitable manner in order to reduce time and money.
The data collection, due to the innovative instruments used, gives immediate response. The data are then interpreted to explain the complexity of a
Cultural Heritage object availing of the integration of professionals present in the laboratory.
The versatility and flexibility of Ars Mensurae services are useful to collectors, galleries, museums, restorers and simple curious people.